10 Must-Try Full-Body Workouts



Are you looking for a full-body workout that doesn’t require any special equipment? Use only body weight for exercise. These workouts are a convenient and affordable way to keep fit because they use your body weight as resistance. This article covers the top 10 bodyweight exercises for total body workouts.

These exercises, from push-ups to leg raises, will work for all major muscle groups and improve your overall fitness. These workouts are suitable for all skill levels, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned fitness enthusiast. To help you reach your fitness goals, let’s start with the best bodyweight exercises for a full-body workout.

According to the Harvard Health Organization. There are many benefits to doing bodyweight exercises. let’s start.

Top 10 Best Bodyweight Workouts for a Full-Body Workout

1. Push-ups

body weight exercise

Push-ups are one of the best exercises you can do to build your chest, shoulders, and triceps using your body weight. Since they are complex exercises, they engage many muscle groups simultaneously. Lie face down on the floor with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and that’s the way to do it. Next, you extend your arms while pushing your body up and off the ground from this position. As you lower your body to the starting position, the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and triceps are involved in controlling the movement.

Pushups are an excellent exercise for developing upper-body muscle growth and strength. Plus, they help strengthen your core and shoulder stability. Plus, pushups are a functional exercise that strengthens your ability to perform everyday tasks like pressing and lifting weights.

It’s important to maintain proper form when doing pushups, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core, and keeping your back straight. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your fingers should be pointing forward.

2. Squat

body weight exercise

The exercise that primarily works the legs, glutes, and core is the squat, which is a full-body exercise. Since they are complex exercises, they engage many muscle groups simultaneously. The exercise is done by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and then refraining from slouching forward and down when you’re about to sit in a chair. Your legs, glutes, and core are all engaged as you push back to the starting position.

Squats are an excellent exercise for increasing lower body strength and muscle mass. Plus, they help increase core stability and enhance overall balance. Squats are also a functional exercise that can enhance your ability to perform activities of daily living such as sitting and standing.

When performing squats, it’s critical to maintain perfect form by keeping your back straight, chest up, and core engaged. Your toes should be pointing slightly outward, and your feet should be wider than hip-width apart.

You can try a variety of squats, such as goblet squats, sumo squats, and jump squats, to target different muscle groups. Squats can also be modified for different fitness levels by using resistance bands or holding weights.

3. Wooden planks

Plank 2

The plank is a bodyweight exercise that focuses on the shoulders and core. Since they are isometric movements, the muscle fibers are constantly contracting during the movement. Begin in a push-up position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and complete the exercise by keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. While maintaining this position, your core and shoulders will work to maintain stability.

Planks are an excellent exercise for developing stability and core strength. Plus, they help strengthen the hips, back and shoulders for stability. Plus, the plank is a functional exercise that enhances your ability to perform everyday tasks like lifting weights.

When performing a plank, it’s critical to maintain good form by keeping your back straight, your core engaged, and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Fingers pointing forward, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

4. Lunges


The lunge is a bodyweight exercise that targets the legs, glutes, and core. They are a compound exercise, which means they work for more than one muscle group at the same time. The exercise is performed by taking a step forward, then lowering the body by bending the front knee while keeping the rear leg straight. As you push back to the starting position, your legs, glutes, and core will work hard to control the movement.

Exercises like lunges are great for strengthening your legs, sculpting your butt, and toning your lower body. Plus, they help increase core stability and enhance overall balance. Lunges are also a functional exercise that can enhance your ability to perform activities of daily living, such as walking and climbing stairs.

When completing a lunge, it’s critical to maintain perfect form by keeping your back straight, chest up, and core engaged. You should bend your front knee at a 90-degree angle, but it shouldn’t go past your toes. Your heels should be lifted off the ground and your back leg should be straight.

You can try a variety of lunges, such as reverse lunges, side lunges, and bent-knee lunges, to target different muscle groups. Lunges can also be modified for different fitness levels by using resistance bands or holding weights. Here’s a full tutorial on how to do lunges effectively .

5. Pull-ups

full body workout

Bodyweight exercises like pull-ups focus on the back, biceps, and forearms. Since they are complex exercises, they engage many muscle groups simultaneously. Hanging from a pull-up bar, with your hands facing away from your body, pull your body up toward the bar until your chin is above it to complete the exercise. As you lower your body to the starting position, your back, biceps, and forearms will work hard to regulate the action.

Pull-ups are an excellent exercise for improving your forearms, back, and biceps, as well as increasing upper-body strength. They also enhance your core stability and overall balance. Pull-ups are a practical exercise that also helps improve your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as lifting and carrying loads.

Keeping your back straight, engaging your core, and lowering your shoulder blades is critical when performing pull-ups. The hands should be shoulder-width apart, with the palms facing away from the body. Pull up and down while keeping your body straight.

6. Burpee Jump

bobby jump

Burpees are a full-body, high-intensity bodyweight exercise that focuses on the chest, triceps, shoulders, legs and core, among other muscle groups. From a standing position, squat down with your hands and finish with your hands on the floor. Afterward, bounce back into a squat position while simultaneously kicking your feet into a push-up position for one push-up. Complete the exercise by jumping into the air while raising your arms overhead.

Burpees are an excellent exercise for increasing cardiovascular endurance, total body strength, and fat burning. They are known for enhancing balance and coordination. The exercise can be varied to accommodate different levels of fitness by omitting the push-up and jumping elements or replacing the jump with a step-back.

When performing burpees, it’s critical to maintain perfect form by keeping your hips level, back straight, and core engaged. Your feet should be hip-width apart, and your hands should be under your shoulders. Use your full range of motion with each move, pausing briefly before each jump to minimize injury risk and maximize gain.

7. Dip

triceps drop

The chest, triceps, and shoulders are the main muscle groups worked with the dive. They work many muscle groups at once because they are complex exercises. The exercise is done by sitting on the edge of a bench or parallel bars, placing your hands on the edge, and bending your arms to lower your body. As you lift your body back to the starting position, your shoulders, triceps, and chest will work hard to control the movement.

A soak is an excellent exercise for strengthening your upper body, toning your shoulders, and toning your chest and triceps. They also enhance your core stability and overall balance. The dip is a functional exercise that also helps you get better at pushing and pulling objects, a task you perform every day.


When performing push-ups, it’s critical to maintain perfect form by keeping your back straight, engaging your core, and lowering your shoulder blades. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, palms down. Keep your body straight as you squat down and push yourself up.


8. Jumping jacks

jumping jack

A full-body, bodyweight cardio exercise that works the arms, legs, and core, is the jumping jack. Begin in a standing position with your feet together and your arms at your sides, and perform the exercise. Jump your feet out to the sides while raising your arms overhead. Restart by jumping back to the starting position.

Jumping jacks are excellent exercise that improves flexibility, burns calories, and improves cardiovascular fitness. Plus, they enhance balance and coordination while supporting the legs and core.

When performing jumping jacks, it is critical to maintaining perfect form by keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Your arms should be fully extended over your head, and your feet should be facing forward. Jumping jacks can be varied to suit various fitness levels by moving more slowly or performing half jacks.

9. Climber

body weight exercise

The Mountain Climber is a full-body cardio bodyweight exercise that targets the legs, core, and shoulders. The exercise is performed by starting in a plank position on the hands and toes, then bringing one knee toward the chest while keeping the other leg extended behind you. Alternate legs quickly, mimicking the motion of climbing a hill.

Mountain climbers are a great exercise for improving cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, and strengthening the core and shoulders. They also help improve coordination and balance, and challenge core stability.

Keeping your core engaged and your back straight to maintain proper technique is critical when performing mountaineering. Your body should be in a straight line with your hands just below your shoulders. Maintain a low hip position throughout the exercise, trying not to let the hips sag. Climbers can vary to suit various fitness levels with slower moves or fewer repetitions.

10. Leg lift

Flat stool leg lift 1

The leg raise is an effective bodyweight exercise that targets the lower abs, hip flexors, and obliques. To perform leg raises properly, start by lying on your back with your hands under your lower back for support. Keeping your legs straight, lift them toward the ceiling, engaging your lower abs. Slowly lower the legs back to the starting position, but avoid letting them touch the floor.

Proper form when raising your leg is important to target the correct muscles and avoid injury. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor throughout the exercise and avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift them up. Also, keep your legs straight and avoid bending your knees.

They’re a great exercise to target the lower abs, which is often a difficult area to tone. They also help strengthen the hip flexors and obliques, which can help improve posture and reduce back pain. In addition, leg lifts also help improve core stability, balance, and coordination.

in conclusion

In conclusion, bodyweight exercises are a convenient and effective way to get a full-body workout without any equipment. The top 10 best bodyweight exercises for a full-body workout include pushups, squats, lunges, pullups, burpees, pushups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, leg raises, and planks.

Each of these exercises offers a unique challenge and targets a different muscle group, making them ideal for a well-rounded workout. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, you can easily incorporate these exercises into your routine to achieve your fitness goals.

Remember to always start with a proper warm-up and stretching, and listen to your body and modify workouts to suit your fitness level. With dedication and consistency, you’ll quickly see the benefits of these bodyweight exercises, including increased strength, improved flexibility, and a leaner, healthier physique.

So get ready to challenge yourself and try these top 10 best bodyweight workouts today!

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