Speed Up Your Intermittent Fasting Results With These 7 Tips


Are you looking to speed up your intermittent fasting results to lose weight faster? If so, you’re in luck! This blog post will discuss seven tips to help you achieve your goals quickly and easily.

Intermittent fasting can be a great way to lose weight and improve your health, but for those looking for quick results, there are some proven ways to speed up your results.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective weight loss diets, but it can take a little time for some people. So if you want to get the most out of intermittent fasting, you’re going to have to use some tricks of the trade to Get some quick results fast.

Most people slow down intermittent fasting results by making mistakes with their fasting regimen. Unfortunately, this slows down their progress and doesn’t even make them gain weight.

But the solution to speeding up your intermittent fasting results is much simpler than you might think. So read on to discover seven tips and tricks for getting the best results with intermittent fasting.

How Fast Are Intermittent Fasting Results?

Most people lose about 2 to 10 pounds in the first week of intermittent fasting . Men tend to lose 20 pounds in the first month , while women lose about 10 to 15 pounds while intermittent fasting.

It will be these additional factors that determine whether you are on the lower or higher end of these results. Many people make mistakes when doing intermittent fasting which can sabotage results or at least slow them down.

Also, how much weight you have to lose in the first place affects how much weight you can lose. So, for example, if you only have about 10-15 pounds to lose, you can expect to lose weight much more slowly than someone who loses 20-30+ pounds.

Unfortunately, making common mistakes when fasting can sabotage your results and motivation. Research has found that those who succeed quickly on diets are more likely to stick with them in the long run. If a person doesn’t get results, then it doesn’t make much sense for them to die.

Here’s how to speed up weight loss with intermittent fasting…

Does Exercise Speed ​​Up Intermittent Fasting?

Exercising during a fasting window is a great way to speed up results so you can lose weight faster. Since you won’t be eating anything during your fasting window, your body will have to turn to fat stores for energy.

Your body prefers to burn stored carbohydrates called glycogen before moving on to fat storage. But while fasting, you should start losing glycogen and then your body is forced to start burning fat.

I advise my clients to lift weights before the cardio in their workouts. This will ensure that you use your strength first to lift the weight, but you also burn the rest of your stored glycogen. Then, your body should be in tip-top shape to start burning fat stores, which is when you’ll optimize your cardio.

To maximize your results, it’s best to exercise at the end of your fasting window. This is when your body is likely to be at its best fat-burning state.

It may be harder to exercise at this time because you haven’t eaten for a long time. If so, try taking some essential amino acids before starting your workout.

If you’re new to exercising, you can simply go for a walk during your lunch break before breaking your fast. Or you can even work out early in the morning. Just try doing some physical exertion during your fasting window for faster results.

fasting booster drink

Getting through the hunger pangs during your fasting period is often the most challenging part of intermittent fasting. When your body is used to eating regularly, it will crave food during your fasting window.

The more you feel these hunger pangs during the faster window, the more likely you are to eventually give in and overeat. But the trick is to drink approved beverages while fasting to fight hunger pangs while boosting your results.

First of all, water is the most recommended drink that you should drink regularly during your fasting period. Try adding some lemon juice to your water for extra benefits. It will help stabilize blood sugar and provide your body with vitamin C. You can also add electrolytes to your water as long as it’s calorie-free to keep you hydrated during fasting.

Coffee is another great option to drink while fasting, as it reduces your hunger and increases your metabolism. In addition, coffee is a natural thermogenic substance, because the caffeine in coffee will accelerate fat loss. Just make sure you don’t add sugar or a lot of cream to your morning coffee, or it will dampen your fasting results.

Instead, add C8-MCT to your morning coffee and it’s instantly converted to ketones by the liver, triggering your fat-burning metabolism to burn fat stores for energy.

If coffee isn’t your cup of tea, you can also drink unsweetened tea. Green tea is also a natural thermogenic, which can burn fat during rest or exercise ( 6Trusted Source ). The tea is also rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which are great for fighting inflammation ( 7Trusted Source ).

You can also drink zero-calorie sodas like La Croix while fasting. As much as I hate to admit it, you can also have energy drinks as long as they contain zero calories. Energy drinks may contain artificial sweeteners like sucralose, but they shouldn’t break your fast ( 8Trusted Source ).

Best Foods to Eat While Intermittent Fasting

The biggest intermittent fasting mistake I’ve seen is eating the wrong food during the feeding window. While skipping meals during your fasting window will give you more leeway for the rest of the day, that doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want.

I find this to be common because once people finally pass the fasting window, they want to reward themselves by eating more. When breaking your fast, it is best to eat lean protein such as chicken, turkey or fish. High protein meals will replenish your body and aid in the recovery process. More protein will also keep your blood sugar from spikes when you break your fast ( 9Trusted Source ).

The worst fasting foods you can eat are high-carb refined foods like pasta and pizza. Instead, most people would benefit from eating lean protein and some non-starchy vegetables. If you’re running, you can also drink a low-carb protein shake .

Intermittent fasting works best on a low-carb diet, so it’s best to limit those sugary, starchy, and high-glycemic refined carbohydrates. Instead, eat more protein, which helps you feel full. Also, eat healthy fats like avocado and extra virgin olive oil to help fill you up.

It’s best to only eat 2 to 3 meals during the feeding window and limit snacking. Other foods you should stay away from during your feeding window include seed oils , processed foods, gluten, dairy, grains, soy, and alcohol .

Optimal Fasting Window

If you’re only fasting for 12 hours, this may not be enough to get the results you want. If you want to speed up results, it’s best to fast for 16 to 18 hours.

It takes a while for many people to reach the length of the fasting window. But the easiest thing for my clients is to skip breakfast, drink those approved fast-boosting drinks, and break their fast with a late lunch.

I have found that the 16/8 fasting schedule works best long-term for most people. But you can also try alternate day fasting and find that you get faster results, but more intense. Alternate-day fasting only allows for one small meal on the fasting day, but it can be a bit intense for beginners.

On the more hardcore end of fasting, you can also try a total water fast. I know people who have completed a seven day water fast and lost a lot of weight for a short period of time.

But remember, a water fast of this length isn’t for everyone, and you should be in good health if you’re going to try it. Also, be sure to check with your doctor first.

Best Food for Iftar

Most people make the mistake of eating high-carb and heavily processed meals to break their fast. It’s the worst thing you can eat because it will sabotage your results and put you on a roller coaster of blood sugar and insulin spikes.

After passing the fasting window, it’s easy to crave that big bowl of pasta or that big pizza. But since you’ve been fasting for hours, it’s easy to set off a significant blood sugar response in your body. Then, the ensuing insulin release can put those freshly eaten carbs directly into your belly fat .

I usually recommend skipping one meal to break your fast. Something high in protein, like chicken, turkey, or fish. This will buffer the insulin response of iftar while increasing satiety so you don’t overeat.

But for someone who breaks your fast with a regular meal, it’s perfectly fine. This often involves male bodybuilders trying to build muscle and add more. But for many women, it is often best to eat a light meal when breaking the fast.

stress and sleep

The quality of your sleep will significantly affect how much weight you can lose with intermittent fasting. Unfortunately, most people don’t get enough of the sleep they need, and it can cause multiple problems in the body that can lead to weight gain.

Not getting enough proper sleep has been found to decrease insulin sensitivity ( 11Trusted Source ). The poorer your insulin sensitivity, the harder it is to lose weight. Lack of sleep also reduces self-control, making it harder to stay motivated through fasting, eating healthy, and exercising ( 12Trusted Source ).

Women who intermittently fast tend to lose weight more slowly than men. This is usually due to hormonal reasons. Depending on where women are in their monthly cycle, this may affect their tolerance to beneficial stresses like fasting.

Fasting can increase levels of cortisol in the body, a stress hormone linked to weight gain ( 13Trusted Source ). Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you are regulating your cortisol levels to ensure optimal results.

During the follicular phase of the cycle, women can deal with the stress of fasting, exercising, and eating more carbohydrates. But during the luteal phase, many women have trouble even getting past the 14-hour fast. So women are better off pushing themselves harder during the follicular phase and may back off during the luteal phase.

Getting enough sleep and managing stress play a vital role in getting the best out of intermittent fasting. It’s something you don’t want to overlook.


Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective weight loss diets for long-term success, but you can also use these strategies to achieve faster results.

Although, I do not recommend intermittent fasting if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Teens with anorexia problems should not fast unless they can distinguish it from starvation. Teenagers are still growing and developing, so they should focus on getting enough nutrition.

Having said that, if they don’t naturally like breakfast, they can skip it as long as they eat enough for the rest of the day. Although studies have found that obese teens can lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity by following intermittent fasting and a low-carb diet ( 14Trusted Source ).

So, if you are looking to speed up your results by fasting, then start implementing the above strategies immediately. They will take your weight loss results to another level.

With these tips, you’ll be able to speed up your intermittent fasting results and start seeing the progress you want!

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