how to lose weight fast for men


Wondering the best way for men how to lose weight fast?

If you’ve tried losing weight and haven’t gotten all the results you want, then you’ll want to read this article.

I know it can be frustrating that you don’t get results. It’s easy to get lost in reading tips on the internet from so-called “experts”.

Here I’ll take the guesswork out of it by showing you the best science-backed principles of fast weight loss for men.

You may have tried every diet on the planet and still struggle to lose weight . The truth is, most of these fad diets are unsustainable in the long run.

Men may carry belly fat more than women, which makes it harder to lose it.

A lot of men used to be in great shape, but things can easily go downhill over time. This becomes increasingly difficult as we get older, responsibilities pile up, energy dwindles, and time is very limited.

If you’re tired of feeling out of shape, tired, unhappy, and want to build and enjoy life like everyone else, this is for you.

Weight loss can be different for men and women. Men are of different sizes and have different calorie and protein requirements.

I’m sure you agree that it’s hard to lose weight fast if you’re a guy.

The good news is, you’ll be able to lose that stubborn weight fast using the science-backed principles here.

Weight Loss Tips For Men

When it comes to weight loss for men, changing your diet will give you the best results the fastest.

There’s a saying among trainers, “You can’t train on a bad diet,” and it’s 100% true.

No matter what diet you eat, you still need to reduce your daily calorie intake to lose weight.

The best way to do this is to reduce your portion sizes throughout the day. But when you start cutting calories, you’ll notice an increase in your appetite and cravings.

Here, I’ll also share with you my best tips for curbing the cravings and hunger pangs that come with weight loss.

This review study found that very low-calorie diets can help stimulate rapid short-term weight loss.

Just make sure you stay away from yo-yo dieting as it will just slow you down. But the good news is that this study found that rapid weight loss can help motivate people to keep dieting.

Getting quick results from losing weight is great for your motivation. There’s nothing worse than starting a diet and not getting any results from your hard work.

Losing weight can be very important, but you also have to think about lowering body fat.

Many men who end up losing weight become “skinny”. This is when you lose weight, but your body fat percentage is still high and your body has very little muscle.

Having some muscles in your body will help give you some definition and help shape your body into a more attractive physique.

Weight Loss Diet Plan for Men

Starting with your diet, the first thing you can do is try logging everything into an app like MyFitnessPal. Or at least do it for a few days and look at the foods you eat each day.

Doing this can help you discover that many of the foods you eat are actually very high in junk calories.

If you have a lot of weight to lose, say 20 to 30 pounds or more, then rapid weight loss will be safe for you. But if you’re already lean, losing weight so quickly ends up burning more muscle than fat.

Although some women will tell you that it is easier for men to lose weight than women, this is not true. Just different.

Men may have a hard time losing weight for different reasons than women. High stress, low time and lots of responsibilities can really make losing weight difficult.

reduce carbs

There is no doubt that reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates can have a major impact on how much weight you lose quickly.

Many of these processed and refined carbohydrates are responsible for the huge rise in insulin resistance and obesity over the past few decades.

They used to tell you that it’s better to eat more of these refined carbs and stick to a low-fat diet. But that’s not true, it’s the exact opposite of what you should really be doing.

That means cutting out pasta, bread , pizza and other refined carbohydrates from your diet .

Not only will this help reduce your daily energy intake for the day, but it will also help you stick to your diet for longer.

A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that people on a very low-carb diet lost more weight and had more body fat than those on a low-fat diet.

The researchers also found that low-carb diets were more effective in the short term than low-fat diets.

When it comes to weight loss, the Modified Paleo Diet is what I’ve found to be the best for men. Most men still expect to be able to eat meat and they will get their protein needs for the day.

The study found that those who ate a low-carb diet suffered less from hunger than those who ate a low-fat diet. They also had a greater decrease in appetite compared to women.

put down the sugar

Sugar is one of the biggest , if not the biggest, contributors to weight gain and belly fat in men.

If you’re addicted to soda or eat a lot of sugar, cut it out of your diet as soon as possible.

Try swapping soda for water.

You could try drinking a flavored soda, such as La Croix. Or you can buy a soda stream machine at home and use it to sweeten naturally with some stevia drops .

Whatever you do, just make sure you’re not drinking your calories.

Lattes, energy drinks, sports drinks and smoothies are often sugar culprits.

Not only are so much sugar in your diet empty calories, but it can lead to insulin resistance.

This can lead to the development of type II diabetes. It will always be difficult to lose weight if your body is insulin resistant.

I know a lot of people who lose a ton of weight very quickly once they remove sugar from their diet.

Try to find natural sweeteners to help curb sugar cravings like stevia and xylitol.

intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is my favorite way to lose weight quickly and is used by men long term.

Through intermittent fasting, you will be able to naturally reduce your daily calorie intake. This is absolutely necessary for the weight loss process.

You can also burn more fat on your body while maintaining lean muscle mass.

And, you can also stick to the intermittent fasting diet for longer than other diets.

This study found that people who fasted every other day were able to burn more fat and lose more weight.

With intermittent fasting, your body burns your energy reserves, known as your fat. It’s not rocket science, you burn your body fat reserves while fasting. Your body needs energy from somewhere.

Another benefit of intermittent fasting for men is that you also increase fat-burning hormones like growth hormone.

The study found that intermittent fasting increased growth hormone production in men by 2,000%.

One of my favorite methods of intermittent fasting is a 16 hour fast followed by a <> hour feeding window.

However, if you also want to up your game, you can also try an alternate-day fasting regimen. This will give you more results in the end, but requires more effort.

get your greens

Eating more green vegetables is one of the most underrated parts of the weight loss process.

Low-carb and fibrous vegetables should make up the bulk of your carbohydrate sources. Here are some examples:

  • spinach
  • kale
  • lettuce
  • swiss chard
  • broccoli
  • asparagus

A lot of men make the mistake of going on a low-carb diet and avoiding all carbs altogether. But this is a mistake.

The trick is to eat healthy vegetable sources instead of carbohydrates.

This will help meet the micronutrient needs your body needs. If you don’t get enough of these healthy micronutrients, your energy will be depleted and your metabolism will slow down.

An easy way to get more of these vegetables in your life is to buy frozen treats and keep them in the freezer.

Then all you have to do is heat them up very quickly and you have instant vegetables.

Another great way to get more of these healthy greens in your life is to take greens powder .

eat more protein

If you’re a man trying to lose weight quickly, it’s a good idea to include more protein in your diet.

Most men simply don’t eat as much protein as they really should.

Make sure that most of the meat you eat comes from lean animals. Some examples include:

  • Türkiye
  • chicken
  • Salmon
  • grass fed beef

Try to aim for 1.5 grams per kilogram of lean body mass.

If you’re obese then it can be closer to 2 grams per kilogram of lean body mass.

If you’re having trouble getting enough protein in your diet, it’s a good idea to try taking a whey protein shake.

I like and recommend BioTrust Low Carb Protein because it is very low carb, naturally sweetened and comes from grass fed cows.

Go here to buy your free container of BioTrust Low Carb Protein Powder.

The study found that those on a low-carb diet that ate three eggs a day led to greater belly fat loss.

They are able to maintain lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.

Even though most people will tell you not to eat eggs because they raise your cholesterol. That’s not true, you can check out why eggs are healthy for you here.

avoid alcohol

It might sound crazy, but men are more likely to gain weight from alcohol than women.

This is mainly because men are more likely to drink habitually than women.

After a stressful day at work, it’s easy to have a few beers every night. But it does lead to weight gain and belly fat gain over time.

Alcohol is not only empty of calories, but also contains estrogen.

This is a big reason to skip beer, since hops are natural phytoestrogens.

As a man, it’s a good idea to minimize the amount of estrogen you take into your body.

The more estrogen you are exposed to, it may lower your testosterone levels. The less testosterone you have, the more likely you are to gain weight.

weight loss workout for men

Many times you will hear that exercise does not do much for weight loss.

Honestly, they’re not entirely wrong when it comes to “losing weight.”

But that’s definitely not true when it comes to fat loss.

Yes, of course, if you’re just trying to lose weight, then you’re better off just focusing on your diet.

But doing so you may also expect to lose more muscle mass.

It also means you end up “skinny and fat” and all mushy.

When it comes to fat loss, exercise is king.

Exercise will help your body burn fat instead of muscle. This will shape and lean your body for a more attractive physique.


One of the best ways to lose fat is high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

When most people are trying to lose fat, they opt for slow aerobic exercises like jogging and long-distance running.

Now, this can help with weight loss, but it’s also a good idea to burn body fat. For this HIIT workout will do better.

This study found that high-intensity interval training was 900 percent more effective for fat loss than traditional slow-paced cardio.

This is because HIIT workouts create a “burner” effect in your body.

Known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), this is when your body continues to burn fat after you’ve finished your workout. The study found that the afterburner effect persisted for up to 24 hours after exercise.

metabolic resistance training

Try metabolic resistance training (MRT) to burn more body fat while gaining lean muscle.

MRT is better and more effective than traditional weightlifting. Not only will you burn more fat, but you’ll also complete your workout in less time.

Metabolic resistance training involves combining:

  • Noncompetitive Exercise Superset
  • low rest time
  • challenging weight
  • Full body multi-joint exercise

I use MRT workouts in my own workouts and with clients. In my 10+ years as a personal trainer, I’ve found them to be the most effective way to lose weight.

With most men’s time-crunched schedule these days, it’s even easier to get your workout done in half the time of your regular weightlifting workout.

sleep better

One of the hidden causes of weight gain in men is lack of adequate proper sleep .

The study found that men experienced an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin after sleep deprivation.

The more ghrelin in your body, the hungrier you will be. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this causes you to eat more.

This study found that after a sleepless night, your self-control decreases. The bad news here is that you’re less likely to stick to your diet or exercise.

Another study found that fat and muscle tissue in young men was negatively altered by sleep deprivation.

The researchers also found that sleep-deprived men had negative changes in the following hormones:

  • Cortisol
  • growth hormone
  • testosterone

They also found that sleep deprivation led to a decreased ability to use blood sugar as fuel.

This can lead to a person’s lack of ability to control blood sugar levels. This eventually leads to insulin resistance.

The study found that exercising helped people sleep better.

I personally take and recommend CBD oil every night .

Studies have found that it helps people fall asleep faster. and how quickly they were able to enter deep REM sleep.

reduce your stress

Another hidden cause of weight gain in men is chronically high stress levels .

Today, many men are under a lot of pressure at work and at home.

They also don’t have much time to decompress themselves.

The study found that cortisol was released into the bloodstream from those who were chronically stressed.

High cortisol levels have been linked to weight gain and increased belly fat .

Try to find some time for yourself to help decompress.

My favorite way to stress is napping or exercising. But you can also find other mindfulness techniques to try, like yoga, breathing, and meditation.


It can be really frustrating if you’re a guy trying to lose weight fast. But hopefully you find some of the science-backed weight loss tips above helpful.

There is a lot of hustle and bustle on the internet from so-called “experts” on how to lose weight fast. But here are some of the most proven principles you can use to lose weight fast and keep it off.

Many people think that rapid weight loss is unhealthy for you, but that’s not true.

Losing weight fast can give you some quick results that will help motivate you to keep going.

Although diet is king for weight loss, you must also exercise to lower body fat.

Now that you know the best ways on how to lose weight fast for men, it’s time to put them into action so you can get the results you want now.

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