How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks


How To Lose Weight Fast (In 2 Weeks)

Dieting will be the most effective and fastest way to lose 20 pounds. There’s a saying among trainers, “You can’t train on a bad diet,” and it’s 100% true.

Even if you’ve been exercising, if your diet is poor, you’ll still be trying to lose weight. Many people mistakenly believe that exercising alone will make them lose weight, only to discover that their diet plays a bigger role.

So, as long as you’re willing to eat less, you can lose 20 pounds in just two weeks without exercising. Nothing is guaranteed, but with this meal plan, you’re sure to lose a lot of weight fast. This diet and meal plan can be done at home, and even the included exercise requires minimal equipment.

If you search on Quora or Reddit, you’ll probably find other people saying that losing weight so quickly isn’t feasible, healthy, or sustainable. But two weeks on a diet isn’t long in the grand scheme of things, and it should be safe to do.

Losing 20 pounds is definitely noticeable. You should drop your dress size to make it easier to fit into skinny jeans. The first place you lose weight is your whole body, but there are stubborn parts that hold the weight off longer.

Best Diet Plan to Lose 20 Pounds

Those who get the best results with this diet and exercise program are those who have a lot of weight and fat to lose. Two weeks is a safe time to lose this much weight in such a short period of time.

Once you start shedding excess body fat, your fitness levels should also improve. Some benefits you should expect to see include:

  • Insulin markers
  • blood sugar
  • cholesterol
  • belly fat
  • Oxidative stress level

However, if you’re already lean, you’re more likely to lose muscle on a diet like this first. If you’re trying to lose weight fast, it’s always better to hit big shots than to set too many small goals.

In this 2004 review study, researchers found that a “lack of realism” when it comes to weight loss leads to greater weight loss.

Even most of the weight you lose initially is water weight. You can still burn a good chunk of fat from your body. During these two weeks, you’ll burn more fat than you ever imagined possible by following the following proven diet and exercise strategies.

This diet works best if you have a lot of weight to lose. You can definitely lose 20 pounds in two weeks if you haven’t followed a diet or exercise plan for a long time.

Being able to manipulate your metabolism is the key to losing weight fast. You’ll discover all the best strategies below.

Your diet will provide you with most of the results for rapid weight loss. The key is to have a nutritious meal plan and stick to it. But there are other strategies, like exercising, that can speed up your weight loss over the next two weeks.

reduce water weight

One of the easiest ways to lose weight quickly is to lower your water weight.

By losing stored water, you’ll see some quick weight loss results. Even if you’re not burning body fat, the water pounds and bloating will go away, giving you some instant results.

Seeing these quick results can help boost your motivation.

To do this, it’s best to lower your sodium levels and keep track of how much water you drink throughout the day. This will help ensure that you stop storing excess water.

Try to keep sodium levels below the absolute maximum of 1500 mg per day for two weeks. While your body needs some sodium to thrive, most of us get too much from processed foods.

Reducing your carb intake will help you flush off water weight in no time. Stored carbohydrates (glycogen) contain 1 gram of water for every 3 grams of glycogen. So, by reducing your carbohydrate intake, you’ll start flushing out water retention within a few days.

You can also try a sauna to help flush out excess water and salt from your body. A few times a week in the sauna, up to 20 minutes, is sufficient.

Though I wouldn’t recommend going to extremes and trying to reduce your water weight. This can be very unsafe if you don’t monitor yourself carefully.

Remember that most of the water weight you lose will come back when you start drinking a ton of water, eating carbs, or putting salt in your body.

intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of my favorite ways to lose weight fast.

It turns out that not only does it help people lose weight, but it also increases metabolism while maintaining lean muscle mass. You’ll also improve your fat-loss hormone balance by lowering insulin and increasing growth hormone.

With intermittent fasting, your body will start burning your fat stores for fuel since you won’t have any calories coming in. Once you start slumping, your body is forced to switch to burning your body fat as a source of energy.

I try to aim for at least 12-13 hours of fasting, but 16-20 hours give better results. You can start low and work your way up.

For a 16-hour fast, all you have to do is start the timer with your last meal of the night. By around noon the next day, you’ll be able to eat again.

The trick to intermittent fasting is to only drink pre-approved drinks that won’t break your fast. These drinks will curb your hunger and speed up your results.

These approved fasting beverages include:

  • Ketone Boost C8-MCT Powder
  • black coffee
  • cold lemonade
  • unsweetened green tea
  • super green powder
  • Zero Calorie Soda

Intermittent fasting will naturally reduce your calorie intake by 550 calories for the day. Calorie reduction is an important part of rapid weight loss and intermittent fasting will help.

If you’re looking to take your intermittent fasting up a notch, then you might want to try a  7-day water fast, which can help you lose 10-20 pounds in a week.

reduce carbs

Eating too many carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance. This is one of the main reasons for today’s obesity epidemic.

Removing these junk carbs from your diet will be critical over the next two weeks. Otherwise, you won’t be able to lose 20 pounds in two weeks.

When you eat sugar, refined carbohydrates, and starches, your blood sugar spikes, and your body releases insulin to balance it out. Insulin is a fat-storing hormone that promotes weight gain.

Carbohydrates are used by your body as a fuel source. So unless you burn them off immediately through exercise, you end up storing them as glycogen or body fat. By lowering your carbohydrate intake, you can prevent weight gain and promote weight loss.

Reducing carbohydrates also helps to reduce water weight naturally. When you eat carbohydrates, your body stores this energy as glycogen and takes it with you in water.

For the next 50 weeks, limit your daily carbohydrate intake to 2 grams per day.

Try to stick to fibrous vegetables with a low glycemic index and glycemic load. Kale, spinach, and broccoli are a few examples. Avoid starchy vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, peas, and corn.

Eating more of these fibrous vegetables will help keep your tummy feeling full. Hunger is one of the hardest parts of dieting, so the more you can feel full, the less likely you are to overeat.

For the next two weeks, try to limit your fruit intake. Fruit does contain “natural sugars,” but these are in the form of fructose, which is still sugar.

You can check out the best fruits for weight loss here . Remember, fruit should be limited for the next few weeks, unless they are low-sugar berries.

If you’re having trouble reducing your carb intake, at least be sure to take a ” carb blocker ” beforehand. It will help prevent insulin spikes from eating sugar and carbs, allowing you to store fat.

watch your calories

It’s impossible to lose 20 pounds in two weeks if you don’t track and limit your daily calories.

This is by far one of the hardest parts to accomplish for most people when trying to achieve rapid weight loss. Most people vastly underestimate the calories they consume each day.

For women, 1200 calories per day should be about right to promote weight loss. For men, 1500 calories per day. These numbers will depend on the individual, so it’s best to adjust as you go.

The key is not to get to the point where you feel like you’re starving. This causes your metabolism to slow down and you end up overeating whatever is in sight.

That’s why I recommend eating satiating foods that will keep you feeling fuller for longer. And why organized and strategically timed cheat meals can help keep your body from going into “starvation mode.”

Protein is a highly filling food that is also a good fat. high-fiber vegetables that do a great job of curbing hunger. Carbs and sugar are the worst, because as your blood sugar drops, you’ll crave more of them.

Drink plenty of these diet drinks to help your stomach feel full without slowing down your metabolism. I like to drink cold lemon water before meals to help keep myself from overeating.

Use a daily food log to keep track of what you’re eating. You’ll be able to accurately measure your daily intake of calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat.

This will help manage your diet and make sure you’re on the right track. Otherwise, it’s easy to “think” you’re eating healthy when you’re not.

What You Should Eat To Lose 2 Pounds In 20 Weeks

It goes without saying that if you want to lose 20 pounds, you can’t eat junk food for the next two weeks . Not only are they high in calories and harmful vegetable oils , but they are also high in junk carbs, which can prevent you from losing weight.

Stay away from these foods:

  • sugar
  • Refined Carbs and Grains
  • starch
  • Alcohol
  • processed junk food

So no pasta, bread, pizza, cheeseburgers, Cheetos, chips, cakes, French fries, pies, muffins, fried rice , etc.

Try to eat more protein. Aim for at least 0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Protein is satiating, making you feel fuller. It is thermogenic and increases how many calories your body burns.

Good protein foods:

  • Egg
  • chicken breast
  • tuna
  • cod
  • halibut
  • lean red meat
  • low carb protein powder

Eat plenty of healthy good fats. Fat is also filling, doesn’t spike your insulin, and contains essential fatty acids that your body can’t make. But fat is high in calories, so you shouldn’t eat too much of it.

Good fatty foods:

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • avocado
  • nuts and seeds
  • fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines
  • Grass-fed butter and ghee

High-fiber vegetables should be the only carbohydrates you eat. These vegetables are fibrous and “fill” your stomach to make you feel full. They won’t spike your blood sugar the way starchy vegetables do.

Good high-fiber vegetables:

  • broccoli
  • kale
  • kale
  • spinach
  • Swiss chard

no alcohol or milk

Alcohol should also be limited as it is high in calories, stops fat burning, and can negatively affect your fat-burning hormones.

If you want to lose 20 pounds in the next two weeks, it’s best to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet .

Alcohol is not only loaded with empty calories, it also slows down your metabolism. Your body sees alcohol as a poison, so it preferentially metabolizes it out of your body. When it does, it blocks all other fat burning.

Alcohol consumption can disrupt sleep patterns. If you don’t get enough quality sleep, then it can cause you to store more weight.

It’s also a good idea to skip milk or dairy products in your diet for the next two weeks. Milk causes an insulin response in your body, which will increase your likelihood of storing it as body fat.

Most of the time though, eating dairy can be beneficial if your body feels good when taking it. But milk also contains a lot of sugar. This will not help in maximizing weight loss over the next few weeks.

Next Level Supplements

If you want to lose 20 pounds fast in the next two weeks, you should take some supplements.

Taking the right supplements can help accelerate weight loss. They can also help ensure you don’t fall short of nutrients for the next two weeks.

It’s a good idea to continue taking these supplements even after the two weeks are up. This is to ensure that you continue to lose the weight and fat you want.

C8-MCT. Add a scoop of MCTs to your coffee during your morning fast. It “turns on the metabolic switch” and starts burning your fat stores for fuel. These MCTs are quickly converted to ketones by the liver. This is the same process your body goes through while on a ketogenic diet. But you can use these MCTs to trick your body into burning fat for fuel without going 100% ketogenic.

Supports many of the ketogenic benefits associated with increasing ketones, and supports them fast, but without the difficulty of doing ketosis…


  • 3x Better Than Coconut Oil, Butter or MCTs
  • higher energy levels
  • reduce cravings and appetite
  • aging gracefully
  • healthy metabolism
  • Improves thinking clarity and focus
  • Improves physical function and recovery

Fish and krill oil. It is always crucial to take an omega-3 fatty acid supplement such as fish or krill oil. Both are great, but krill oil is a little better in my opinion. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to not only lower inflammation but also promote weight loss regardless of exercise. 14

Low-carb protein powder. Make sure you find grass-fed whey protein shakes that are also low in carbs. If your body is not getting enough protein then it will be very difficult for you to lose weight quickly. Taking a whey protein shake will help fill you up so you don’t get too hungry. You can also keep your calories low throughout the day by replacing one or two meals.

HIIT Workout + Cardio

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is by far the best workout you can do to lose 2 pounds in 20 weeks.

HIIT workouts have been found to be more effective for fat loss than traditional slow cardio. With a HIIT workout, you’ll burn more calories, more fat, and increase fat-burning hormones.

The vast majority of your time should be spent doing HIIT workouts. However, if you have extra time, do aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, or hiking.

Adding extra cardio while fasting can greatly boost weight loss. Although HIIT workouts burn more fat, cardio has also been found to be beneficial for weight loss. 16

When fasting, you deplete your incoming energy sources, so your body starts burning fat reserves. Then, if you exercise while fasting, you will burn more fat than usual.

If you really want to lose 20 lbs, I wouldn’t recommend starting strength training in the next two weeks.

A strength training routine will help you gain some muscle, which will also add weight to your body. This muscle will help shape and tone your body. But it can frustrate you mentally, you don’t see the scale drop as much as you want.

I always recommend some kind of strength training routine. But for the next two weeks, it doesn’t matter if you stick to your HIIT workouts or cardio.

Many people who lose weight quickly end up ” skinny “. This is when they look thin, but their bodies are mushy and limp. This will cause them to not have a shape and toned body (look less attractive).

Try to do at least 20 minutes of HIIT exercise every day, 4-6 times a week. You can go higher depending on your current fitness level and how your body responds to the diet. You can also do 20-60 minutes of long-form cardio a day (5-6 days a week).

Women tend to burn more fat with longer intervals (45-60 seconds), while men tend to burn more fat with shorter intervals. Women also required less time to recover between sets than men. Women also benefit from doing longer HIIT workouts.

sleep more, less stress

Believe it or not, how much you sleep can have a major impact on how much weight you lose over the next two weeks.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your metabolism slows down. Your body also releases hormones, such as cortisol, that cause you to overeat.

Cortisol is released into your body as a response to the stress of lack of sleep. And this hormone promotes the storage of belly fat.

Your body also releases the hormone ghrelin. This hormone makes you feel hungrier, causing you to eat more. You’ll also crave the fatty junk food that comes with sleep deprivation.

Studies have found that when you don’t get enough sleep, your willpower to stick to your diet and exercise is significantly lower.

Most people today simply don’t get enough quality sleep. It really messed up their metabolism and weight loss efforts.

For the next two weeks, try to get 7-8 hours of high-quality, uninterrupted sleep each night.

How much can you lose in 2 weeks?

You’ll be amazed at how much weight you can lose in 2 weeks, but it takes some work. 20 pounds can be lost in as little as 2 weeks, depending on how much weight you have to lose.

If you have a lot of extra pounds, losing 20 pounds with some work is doable. However, if you only have a few extra pounds on your body, it will be much more difficult to lose that much by then.

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